Home | 1 Ancient Mesopotamia | 2 Ancient Egypt | Ancient Greece | 3 Ancient Rome | Judaism and Christianity | 4 Byzantine and Islamic Civilization | Indian Civilization | 5 Chinese civilization | Japanese civilization | Early American Civilization | 6 Early Ages, Romanesque, Gothic | Renaissance | 7 Baroque,18th,Romanticism, Realism | 8 Belle Epoque,Chinese & Japanese society | 9 Russian,Age of Anxiety,Africa, Latin Am. | 10 Age of Affluence, diversity


It examines Eastern and Western Humanities focusing on arts and ideas, with the objective of creating a greater awareness of the world community. It examines the cultures of the Near East, Far East, Africa, relative to the Western traditions. The cultural and aesthetic perspectives in Western Humanities are also examined with the objective of facilitating the development of personal sensibilities.

1   define humanities and how it is applied to Western, Eastern, Near Eastern and African cultures
2   identify the common human experiences shared by different cultures as reflected in their artistic endeavors.
3   explain how works of art from various cultures reflect and embody the central values and beliefs of a given culture
4   describe his/her own personal aesthetic perspective
5   identify major artworks and their significance within the larger culture
6   discuss a broad spectrum of styles, voices and perspectives
7   demonstrate a basic familiarity with and trends which have shaped the principal cultures of the world.





This course is designed as a lecture discussion course with a textbook. In addition, videos, performances, and observations of performances by other students will give the student the experience in developing a clear understanding of the speech communication process.

Students are expected to be in class on time and for the duration of each class session. If absence or tardiness is unavoidable, students are expected to call the college and leave a message to the instructor. Research works, journals, albums, presentations and assignments are to be submitted on time.


Research works, presentations
projects, journal  30%
participation (r)   10%
homeworks         10%
quizzes              15%
final exam           20%
attendance         10%



What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change. For example:

11/1/01 - Added new photos to Vacation Album page.

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.