
1 Ancient Mesopotamia

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You have to read texts that can answer the given questions.

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Answer the following questions:
1. What are the contributions of the early mesopotamian societies to the world?
2. What is the effect of instituting laws, like the Hammurabi code, to govern society?
3.  Give some Christian beliefs and stories that might have been derived from early mesopotamia.
4. How is cuneiform writing done? Why do the mesopotamians use writing? (give reasons)
5.  What is the status of women in mesopotamian society? Give examples.
6. Why is the "Hanging Gardens of Babylon" considered one of the wonders of the ancient world?
7. Why did the ancient people start to live in cities and stopped being nomads?
8.  Why are the lives of the early mesopotamians strongly influenced by religion?
9.  What could be the reasons why there is constant fighting going on
in mesopotamia, i.e., one society conquering another society?
10. How does the environment of the place affect the life of the people? (in arts and architecture)


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