City College - College English and College Composition
1 Subject/Verb Word, Fragment........ | 2 Types of Sentences/Dependent clause vs. Independent clause | Process Writing | 3 Frag,Com.spl. Run-on. paragraph, details, connectives | 4 Verbs, Description, Narration, Comparison and Contrast | 5 S-V Agree,Using Examples,Process | 6 Consistency in Tense , paragraph - giving reasons, making an essay, research | 7 Research (outlining, notetaking) Pronoun,Adjectives, Adverbs p.425,433 | 8 Preposition.,Conjunction, Documetation | 9 Punctuation, capitalization, making the Bibliography | Example of a research paper | 10 Consistency in tense, noun pronoun agreement, review, research typing format | 11 Descriptive Composition | 12 Narrative Composition | 13 Composition using PROCESS | 14 Comparison and Contrast, Giving examples in composition | 15 Using classification and partition in composition | 16 Using Cause and Effect paragraphs, reasons in composition | Using metaphors in composition | Business letters, business reports | Apopka Football Teams | Colorado Experience | My Resume



Upon Completion of this course, students will be able to:

1   recognize and use the different parts of speech correctly                            

2   accurately differentiate between/among words which are often confused

3   use punctuation marks properly

4   develop and compose in proper paragraph form and style

5   approach writing in a confident manner


1   attendance/part 10 %

2   quizzes, writing assign.  15%

3   journal  20%

4   research paper   20%

5   seatworks 15%

6   final exam  20%


1  syllabus, grading system, strategies for self improvement, the subject and the verb, [word,phrase, clause, sentence],  journal writing

2  types of sentences, dependent clause and independent clause, making long sentences, writing process, 

3  fragments, comma splices, run-ons, using connectives, paragraph (unity, coherence, emphasis) writing process

4  verbs and tenses, , descriptive paragraph, narrative paragraph,

5  subject and verb agreement, reading related writing, underlining, outlining, summarizing, using examples, process in paragraphs,  

6  Paragraphs-giving reasons,  making an essay-introduction, development and conclusion, research (topic, finding sources, organizing)

7  Pronouns, adjectives, adverbs- research (notetaking, outlining)

8  Prepositions, conjunctions, research documentation, MLA(introduction, body, conclusion)

9  Punctuation, Capitalization - research (first draft - revision, bibliography)

10   Consistency in tense, noun and pronoun agreement- research (cover page, table of content, typing format) review for final exam

11  final exam




At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1  describe the basics of paragraph writing
2  define brainstorming and prewriting
3  explain how various forms of writing are similar and how they differ
4  summarize the rhetorical modes often required in Collegiate and occupational writing
5  prepare a properly composed thesis statement
6  develop ideas, organize writing and produce smooth transitions in written works
7  produce works void of punctuation problems, misspellings, and grammatical errors
8  develop sentences, paragraphs, and essays that are purposeful and coherent.
9  make business letters and reports
1  syllabus, getting started, the paragraph, sentence errors
    making long sentences, 
2  subj-verb agreement, process writing, description,
3  writing the essay, consistency and parallelism, descriptive composition
4  coordination and subordination - final copy description, 
5  narrative composition, figures of speech, letter writing
6  pronouns, expository essay - using examples, comparison contrast, letter writing
7  adjectives and  adverbs, using process, letter writing
8  apostrophes, revision skills, expository essay - classification and partition, making reports
9  mechanics, proof reading, expository essay - giving reasons, making reports
10  making revisions, final exam review
11  final exam 


1  part.-attend 10%

2  journal-reaction prs 10%

3  seatwork 15%

4  quizzes 15%

5  compositions 30%

6  final exam 20%


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